From Athens to Constantinople
Workshop series
The workshop series "From Athens to Constantinople" is a platform for interdisciplinary and cross-institutional exchange in the fields of Classical Studies, Ancient History as well as Byzantine and Manuscript Studies.
The series is based on Nicole Kröll's third-party funded projects funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): the Hertha Firnberg project "Poetry - Character - Design: Narrative Strategies in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus of Panopolis" (running time 2017-2020) and the current Elise Richter project "Narrative Strategies in the Poetry of George of Pisidia". Both projects are affiliated to the Institute for Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies at Vienna University.
The workshop series id dedicated to literary, historical and cultural developments in the Greek and Latin languages and cultures in the period of transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.
The cooperation between the Institute for Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies at Vienna University and the Division of Byzantine Research of the IMAFO aims to create an interdisciplinary network, to take up current academic trends and to make topics of Late Antiquity accessible to a wider audience.
Organisation of the workshop series:
Herbert Bannert (Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University)
Christian Gastgeber (IMAFO, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Nicole Kröll (Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University)
From Athens to Constantinople
From Athens to Constantinople V
Friday, 26 November 2021
Venue: online
Calendar of events at Vienna University
The fifth edition of the workshop series "From Athens to Constantinople" focuses on the works of George of Pisidia as well as earlier Greek poets of Late Antiquity.
The online event is organised by Herbert Bannert and Nicole Kröll (both Vienna University, Institute for Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies) as well as by Christian Gastgeber (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research, Division for Byzantine Research).
The initial point for launching this event is Nicole Kröll's Elise Richter grant "Narrative Strategies in the Poetry of George of Pisidia" (V-803) which is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and is affiliated to the Institute for Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies at Vienna University.
10:30-11:00am: Andreas Heil, Christian Gastgeber, Herbert Bannert & Nicole Kröll (Vienna): Opening
Chair: Sven Meier (Vienna)
11:00-11:30am: Marco Alviz Fernández & Christian Collado Gómez (Madrid): "Barbarians and Impious: The Persians Image through the Vocabulary of the Expeditio Persica"
11:30-12:00pm: Daniil Pleshak (St. Petersburg): "Narrative Instances and Memory in Restitutio crucis"
Chair: Katja Weidner (Vienna)
12:15-12:45pm: Mario D'Ambrosi (Salerno): "Between Late Antiquity and Byzantium: the Metrical Technique of George Pisides and its Paradigmatic Value"
12:45-1:15pm: Frederick Bird (Oxford): "George of Pisidia's In Sanctam Resurrectionem: Some Comments on a New Edition"
Chair: Christian Gastgeber (Vienna)
2:45-3:15pm: Filip Doroszewski (Warsaw): "Christian Exegesis of the Psalms in Ps.-Apollinaris' Metaphrasis: Some Examples"
3:15-3:45pm: Domenico Accorinti (Pisa): "Images of Resilience in the Prose and Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus: The Unshakable Rock, the Plant that Comes to Life in Death, and Philagrius' Endurance"
Chair: Katharina Maria Schön (Vienna)
4:00-4:30pm: Marina Bazzani (Oxford): "An Emperor and his Poet: John II Komnenos and Theodore Prodromos"
4:30-5:00pm: Alice Cosme (Paris): "The Stakes of an Epic Transfiguration: the Figure of the Emperor Heraclius in the Expeditio Persica of George of Pisidia"
Chair: Christian Gastgeber (Vienna)
5:15-5:45pm: Domenico Praticò (Cambridge): "Teaching the Emperor: a Study of George of Pisidia's Hexaemeron"
5:45-6:15pm: Mary Whitby (Oxford): "Structure and Substance in the Bellum Avaricum of George of Pisidia"
From Athens to Constantinople V
From Athens to Constantinople IV: The Poetry of George of Pisidia
Organisation: Institute for Classical Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University and Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Division for Byzantine Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Time: 10 January 2020, 9:10 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
Gianfranco Agosti (Rome): "From Nonnus to George"
Nicole Kröll (Vienna): "Narrator and Narratees in George of Pisidia's Bellum Avaricum"
Daniil Pleshak (St. Petersburg): "George the Storyteller: Narrative Structures in Bellum Avaricum and Expeditio Persica"
Alice Cosme (Paris): "Poetical Style and Language in George of Pisidia's Bellum Avaricum"
Anna Maria Taragna (Turin): Leo Choirosphaktes, Reader of George of Pisidia: Notes on the Language and Style of the So-called Thousand-Line Theology"
Mary Whitby (Oxford): "The Patriarch Sergius and the Theotokos"
Kurt Smolak (Vienna): "Sonne, Mond und Sterne - und das Licht: Zum Hexaemeron-Gedicht des Georgios Pisides im Vergleich mit lateinischer Bibelepik
Walter Pohl (Vienna): "The Siege of Constantinople 626: The Historical Context"
From Athens to Constantinople III: Considerations on Late Antique Philosophy
Organisation: Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University, and Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Division for Byzantine Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Time: 14 June 2019, 12:00 noon - 6:15 p.m.
Venu: Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
Michael Krewet (Berlin): "Das Wissen vom Text in margine: Randnotizen zur byzantinischen handschriftlichen Überlieferung von Aristoteles' De interpretatione"
Elvira Wakelnig (Vienna): "Ibn Bahriz Definitionen der Logik: Ein Beispiel spätantiker Prolegomena-Literatur auf Arabisch"
David Hernández de la Fuente (Madrid): "Neoplatonic Aesthetics and Poetry: The Case of Paul the Silentiary"
Marta Otlewska-Jung (Berlin): "Harmony as the Principle of Action and Governance in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus of Panopolis"
Christophe Erismann (Vienna): "The Nature and Significance of Middle Byzantine Logical Compendia"
From Athens to Constantinople II: Late Antique Greek and Byzantine Literature in Context
Organisation: Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medievall and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University, and Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Division for Byzantine Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Time: 11 January 2019, 1:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Venue: Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medieval and Neo-Latin, Vienna University, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
Gianfranco Agosti (Rome): "Metrical Inscriptions in Late Antiquity"
Katerina Carvounis (Athens): "The Poetry of Claudianus"
Olivier Gengler (Tübingen): "Die Vita Porphyri von Marcus Diaconus"
Fotini Hadjittofi (Lisbon): "Achilles in the Late Ancient Classroom"
Stefano Valente (Hamburg): "Fragmente eines spätantiken Kommentars zur Zweiten Analytik des Aristoteles im Codex Ambrosianus L 93 sup.?
From Athens to Constantinople I: Late Antique Greek and Byzantine Literature in Context
Organisation: Institute for Classiscal Philology, Medievall and Neo-Latin Studies, Vienna University, and Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Division for Byzantine Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Time: 6 June 2018, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Venue: IMAFO, Hollandstraße 11-13, 1020 Vienna
Claudio de Stefani (Trieste): "Die Cynegetica des Pseudo-Oppian: Möglichkeiten einer Neuedition"
Marcelina Gilka (Exeter): "Die schöne Helena von Homer bis zur Spätantike"
Peter Isépy (Munich): "Helladios Rediscovered: Neues zur Überlieferung der Photianischen Bibliotheke"
Anna Lefteratou (Heidelberg): "Maria's Lament in the Homeric Centos: A Tragic Monologue"