

"Narrative Strategies in the Poetry of George of Pisidia"

Elise Richter Project V-803

Editions and translations

(in chronological order)

QUERCIUS, Josephus Maria and Petrus Franciscus FOGGINIUS, eds. Opera Georgii Pisidae, Theodosii Diaconi et Corippi Africani grammatici complectens (Romae 1777, Corporis Historiae Byzantinae nova appendix).

Expeditio Persica, Bellum Avaricum, Akathistos Hymnos, In Christi resurrectionem, Heraclias, Hexaemeron, De vanitate vitae, Contra Severum, Laudatio sancti Anastasii Persae, Fragmente.

STERNBACH, Leo, ed. “Georgii Pisidae carmina inedita”, Wiener Studien 13 (1891): 1–62.

In Alypium, In restitutionem Sanctae Crucis, In Heraclium ex Africa redeuntem, In Bonum patricium, Epigramme.

STERNBACH, Leo, ed. “Georgii Pisidae carmina inedita, pars II”, Wiener Studien 14 (1892): 51–68.


PERTUSI, Agostino, ed. “L’encomio per S. Anastasio martire persiano”, Analecta Bollandiana 76 (1958): 5–63.

Laudatio sancti Anastasii Persae.

PERTUSI, Agostino, ed. Giorgio di Pisidia, Poemi I: Panegirici epici (Ettal 1959, Studia Patristica et Byzantina 7).

In Heraclium ex Africa redeuntem, Expeditio Persica, In Bonum patricium, Bellum Avaricum, In restitutionem Sanctae Crucis, Heraclias.

GONNELLI, Fabrizio, ed. “Il De vita humana di Giorgio Pisida”, Bollettino dei classici 12 (1991): 118–138.

De vita humana.

FLUSIN, Bernhard, ed. Saint Anastase le Perse et l’histoire de la Palestine au début du VIIe siècle, vol. 1: les textes (Paris 1992, Le monde Byzantin): 202–259.

Laudatio Sancti Anastasii Persae.

GONNELLI, Fabrizio, ed. Giorgio di Pisidia: Esamerone, introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e indici (Pisa 1998).


TARTAGLIA, Luigi, ed. Giorgio di Pisidia: Carmi (Torino 1998, Classici Greci UTET).

In Heraclium ex Africa redeuntem, Expeditio Persica, In Bonum patricium, Bellum Avaricum, Heraclias, In restitutionem Sanctae Crucis, In Christi resurrectionem, Contra Severum, Hexaemeron, De vanitate vitae, De vita humana, In Alypium, Epigramme.

Papers in journals and collected volumes

BAYNES, Norman H. “Some Notes on the Historical Poems of George of Pisidia”, Classical Quarterly 6 (1912): 82–90.

BAYNES, Norman H. “The Restoration of the Cross at Jerusalem”, The English Historical Review 27 (1912): 287–299.

BEROLLI, Cristiano. “Motivi poetici nell’Encomio di S. Anastasio di Giorgio di Pisidia”, in Studi di poesia greca tradoantica: Atti della Giornata di Studi Università di Firenze, 4 ottobre 2012, eds. Daria Gigli Piccardi and Enrico Magnelli (Firenze 2013, Studi e saggi): 153–168.

COSME, Alice. “Ποίαν γλώττης οὐκ ἐκίνησεν λύραν: Poetic Style and Diction in the Bellum Avaricum of George of Pisidia”, in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 70 (2021): 343–355.

CRESCI, Lia Raffaella. “Note a Giorgio di Pisidia, Exp. Pers. I”, Orpheus 8 (1987): 149–154.

CRESCI, Lia Raffaella. “Echi di dibattiti teologici sull’icona e sulla Croce nella poesia di Giorgio di Pisidia”, Erga-Logoi 5 (2017): 29–36.

D’AMBROSI, Mario. “L’esametro accentuativo in Giorgio Pisida”, Bollettino dei classici 3a/24 (2003): 105–133.

DRIJVERS, Jan W. “Heraclius and the Restitutio Crucis: Notes on Symbolism and Ideology”, in The Reign of Heraclius (610–641): Crisis and Confrontation, eds. Gerrit J. Reinink and Bernhard H. Stolte (Leuven et al. 2002, Groningen Studies in Cultural Change 2): 175–190.

ESPEJO JÁIMEZ, Gonzalo. “La mitología en la obra de Jorge de Pisidia”, in La mitología griega en la tradición literaria: De la Antigüedad a la Grecia contemporánea, eds. Minerva Alganza Roldán and Panagiota Papadopoulou (Granada 2017): 265–291.

FRENDO, Joseph D.C. “The Significance of Technical Terms in the Poems of George of Pisidia”, Orpheus 21 (1974): 45–55.

FRENDO, Joseph D.C. “Special Aspects of the Use of Medical Vocabulary in the Poems of George of Pisidia”, Orpheus 22 (1975): 49–56.

FRENDO, Joseph D.C. “Classical and Christian Influences in the Heracliad of George of Pisidia”, The Classical Bulletin 42 (1986): 53–62.

GONNELLI, Fabrizio. “Le parole del cosmo: Osservazioni sull’ Esamerone di Giorgio Pisida”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 83 (1990): 411–422.

HERNÁNDEZ DE LA FUENTE, David. “Poetry and Philosophy at the Boundaries of Byzantium (5th–7th Centuries): Some Methodological Remarks”, in New Perspectives on Late Antiquity in the Eastern Roman Empire, eds. Ana de Francisco Heredero, David Hernández de la Fuente and Susana Torres Prieto (Newcastle upon Tyne 2014): 81–100.

HOWARD-JOHNSTON, James. “The Official History of Heraclius’ Persian Campaigns (in memory of L. Sternbach)”, in The Roman and Byzantine Army in the East: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków in September 1992, ed. Edward Dąbrowa (Kraków 1994): 57–87.

HUBER, Irene. “Ansichten eines Zivilisierten über die unzivilisierte Welt: Das Sāsāniden-Bild des Georgios Pisides und sein historischer Wert für den spätantiken Iran”, Klio 90 (2008): 162–192.

JEFFREYS, Elizabeth. “Byzantine Poetry and Rhetoric”, in A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, eds.  Wolfram Hörandner, Andreas Rhoby and Nikos Zagklas (Leiden/Boston 2019, Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World 4): 92–112.

KRÖLL, Nicole. “Introduction” to a cluster on George of Pisidia, in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 70 (2021): 335–341.

KRÖLL, Nicole. “Constructing Order through Narration: Narrator and Narratees in George of Pisidia’s Bellum Avaricum”, Anales de Filología Clásica, 33.2 (2020): 7586.

LAURITZEN, Frederick. “Late Antique Philosophy and the Poetry of George of Pisidia”, in Myth, Religion, Tradition, and Narrative in Late Antique Greek Poetry, ed. Nicole Kröll (Wien 2020, Wiener Studien Beihefte 41): 59–68.

LAUXTERMANN, Marc D. “The Velocity of Pure Iambs: Byzantine Observations on the Metre and Rhythm of the Dodecasyllable”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 48 (1998): 9–33.

LUDWIG, Claudia. “Kaiser Herakleios, Georgios Pisides und die Perserkriege”, in Varia III. Beiträge von Wolfram Brandes, Sophia Kotzabassi, Claudia Ludwig und Paul Speck, eds. Wolfram Brandes et al. (Bonn 1991, Poikila Byzantina 11): 73–128.

MAAS, Paul. “Der byzantinische Zwölfsilber”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 12 (1903): 279–323.

MACCOULL, L.S.B. “George of Pisidia Against Severus: In Praise of Heraclius”, in The Future of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Problems, Trends and Opportunities for Research, ed. Roger Dahood (Turnhout 1998, Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance 2): 69–79.

MEIER, Mischa. “Herakles – Herakleios – Christus: Georgios Pisides und der kosmorhýstes”, in Antike Mythologie in christlichen Kontexten der Spätantike, ed. Hartmut Leppin (Berlin/München/Boston 2015, Millennium-Studien 54): 167–192.

NISSEN, Theodor, “Historisches Epos und Panegyrikos in der Spätantike”, Hermes (1940): 298–325.

NODES, Daniel J. “Rhetoric and Cultural Synthesis in the Hexaemeron of George of Pisidia”, Vigiliae Christianae 50 (1996): 274–287.

OLSTER, David M. “Crisis and Response: The New Rhetoric of George of Pisidia”, in Roman Defeat, Christian Response, and the Literary Construction of the Jew, ed. David M. Olster (Philadelphia 1994, Middle Ages Series): 51–71.

RAUM, Theresia. “The Reinvention of the Soldier-Emperor under Heraclius”, in Trends and Turning Points: Constructing the Late Antique and Byzantine World, eds. Matthew Kinloch and Alex MacFarlane (Leiden/Boston 2019, The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, Economies and Cultures 400–1500 117): 133–147.

REY, André-Louis. “La Croix et le dragon: Georges de Pisidie et la Vraie Croix entre panégyrique épique et hagiographie”, in Des géants à Dionysos: Mélanges de mythologie et de poésie grecques offerts à Francis Vian, eds. Domenico Accorinti and Pierre Chuvin (Alessandria 2003, Hellenica 10): 607–620.

RHOBY, Andreas. “Vom jambischen Trimeter zum byzantinischen Zwölfsilber: Beobachtung zur Metrik des spätantiken und byzantinischen Epigramms”, Wiener Studien 124 (2011): 177–142.

ROMANO, R. “Teoria e prassi della versificazione: Il dodecasillabo nei panegirici epici di Giorgio di Pisidia”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 78 (1985): 1–22.

SERRANO DEL POZO, Joaquín. „¿El emperador Heraclio como nuevo David? La iconografía de los platos bizantinos de Chipre frente las fuentes escritas”, Byzantion Nea Hellás 36 (2017): 282–305.

SILVENTI, María Cristina. La importancia de los elementos descriptivos en el relato de los hechos en Expeditio Persica de Jorge de Pisidia (III. 225-280), Anales de Filología Clásica 33.2 (2020): 125–141.

TARAGNA, Anna Maria. “Riso e scherno in Giorgio di Pisidia: Il carme In Alypium”, in La poesia tardoantica e medievale: Atti del II convegno internazionale di studi, Perugia, 15–16 novembre 2001, ed. Anna Maria Taragna (Alessandria 2004, Centro internazionale di studi sulla poesia greca e latina in età tardoantica e medievale, Quaderni 2): 179–206.

TARAGNA, Anna Maria. "Leo Choirosphaktes, Reader of George of Pisidia. Notes on the Language and Style of the So-Called Thousand-Line Theology", in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 70 (2021): 357–378.

TARTAGLIA, Luigi. “L’excursus zoologico dell’ Esamerone di Giorgio di Pisidia”, Nea Rhome 2 (2005): 41–57.

TRILLING, James. “Myth and Metaphor at the Byzantine Court: A Literary Approach to the David Plates”, Byzantion 48 (1978): 249–263.

VASSIS, Ioannis. “George of Pisidia: The Spring of Byzantine Poetry?”, in A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, eds. Wolfram Hörandner, Andreas Rhoby and Nikos Zagklas (Leiden/Boston 2019, Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World 4): 149–165.

VIERMANN, Nadine. “Merging Supreme Commander and Holy Man: George of Pisidia’s Poetic Response to Heraclius’ Military Campaigns”, in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 70 (2021): 379–402.

WHITBY, Mary. “A New Image for a New Age: George of Pisidia on the Emperor Heraclius”, in The Roman and Byzantine Army in the East: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków in September 1992, ed. Edward Dąbrowa (Kraków 1994): 197–225.

WHITBY, Mary. “The Devil in Disguise: The End of George of Pisidia’s Hexaemeron Reconsidered”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies 115 (1995): 115–129.

WHITBY, Mary. “Defender of the Cross: George of Pisidia on the Emperor Heraclius and his Deputies”, in The Propaganda of Power: The Role of Panegyric in Late Antiquity, ed. Mary Whitby (Leiden/Boston 1998, Mnemosyne Suppl. 183): 247–273.

WHITBY, Mary. “George of Pisidia and the Persuasive Word: Words, Words, Words …”, in Rhetoric in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-fifth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, University of Oxford, March 2001, ed. Elizabeth Jeffreys (Aldershot 2003, Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies 11): 173–186.

WHITBY, Mary. “A Learned Spiritual Ladder? Towards an Interpretation of George of Pisidia’s Hexameter Poem On Human Life”, in Nonnus of Panopolis in Context: Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World, ed. Konstantinos Spanoudakis (Berlin/Boston 2014, Trends in Classics Suppl. 24): 435–457.

WHITBY, Mary. “Nonnus, Christodorus, and the Epigrams of George of Pisidia”, in Nonnus of Panopolis in Context III: Old Questions and New Perspectives, eds. Filip Doroszewski and Katarzyna Jażdżewska (Leiden/Boston 2021, Mnemosyne Suppl. Late Antique Literature 438): 449–466.

WHITBY, Mary. “The Patriarch Sergius and the Theotokos”, in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 70 (2021): 403–425.

Monographs and collected volumes on George of Pisidia

ESPEJO JÁIMEZ, Gonzalo. Significación literaria e ideológica en la tradición bizantina de los Panegíricos Épicos de Jorge de Pisidia (PhD diss., Universidad de Granada 2015).

SPECK, Paul. Zufälliges zum Bellum Avaricum des Georgios Pisides (München 1980, Miscellanea Byzantina Monacensia 24).

STERNBACH, Leo. De Georgii Pisidae apud Theophanem aliosque historicos reliquiis. De Pisidae fragmentis a Suida servatis. Observationes in Pisidae carmina historica. Analecta Avarica (Kraków 1900, Rozprawy Akademii Umiejętności, Wydział filologiczny 2/15).

On late antique Greek poetry (selection)

ACCORINTI, Domenico and Pierre CHUVIN, eds. Des géants à Dionysos: Mélanges de mythologie et de poésie grecques offerts à Francis Vian (Alessandria 2003, Hellenica 10).

ACCORINTI, Domenico, ed. Brill’s Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis (Leiden/Boston 2016, Brill’s Companions in Classical Studies).

AMATO, Eugenio, Aldo CORCELLA and Delphine LAURITZEN, eds. L’École de Gaza: Espace littéraire et identité culturelle dans l’antiquité tardive, actes du colloque international de Paris, Collège de France, 23–25 mai 2013 (Leuven/Paris/Bristol, CT 2017, Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 249 = Bibliothèque de Byzantion 13).

BANNERT, Herbert and Nicole KRÖLL, eds. Nonnus of Panopolis in Context II: Poetry, Religion, and Society, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonnus of Panopolis, 26th–29th September 2013, University of Vienna, Austria (Leiden/Boston 2018, Mnemosyne Suppl. Late Antique Literature 408).

CADAU, Cosetta. Studies in Colluthus’ Abduction of Helen (Leiden/Boston 2015, Mnemosyne Suppl. Late Antique Literature 380).

CAMERON, Alan. The Last Pagans of Rome (New York/Oxford 2011).

CARVOUNIS, Katerina. A Commentary on Quintus of Smyrna Posthomerica 14 (Oxford 2019).

DOROSZEWSKI, Filip and Katarzyna JAŻDŻEWSKA, eds. Nonnus of Panopolis in Context III: Old Questions and New Perspectives (Leiden/Boston 2021, Mnemosyne Suppl. Late Antique Literature 438).

FAULKNER, Andrew, ed. Apollinaris of Laodicea: Metaphrasis Psalmorum (Oxford u.a. 2020, Oxford Early Christian Texts).

GEISZ, Camille. A Study of the Narrator in Nonnus of Panopolis’ Dionysiaca: Storytelling in Late Antique Epic (Leiden/Boston 2017, Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology 25).

GOLDHILL, Simon. Preposterous Poetics: The Politics and Aesthetics of Form in Late Antiquity (Cambridge/New York 2020, Greek Culture in the Roman World).

HADJITTOFI, Fotini and Anna LEFTERATOU, eds. The Genres of Late Antique Christian Poetry: Between Modulations and Transpositions (Berlin/Boston 2020, Trends in Classics Suppl. 86).

HÖRANDNER, Wolfram, Andreas RHOBY and Nikos ZAGKLAS, eds. A Companion to Byzantine Poetry (Leiden/Boston 2019, Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World 4).

KENNEDY, George A. Greek Rhetoric under Christian Emperors (Princeton 1983, A History of Rhetoric 3).

KENNEDY, George A. Progymnasmata: Greek Textbooks of Prose Composition and Rhetoric (Leiden/Boston 2003, Writings from the Greco-Roman World 20).

KRÖLL, Nicole. Die Jugend des Dionysos: Die Ampelos-Episode in den Dionysiaka des Nonnos von Panopolis (Berlin/Boston 2016, Millennium-Studien 62).

KRÖLL, Nicole, ed. Myth, Religion, Tradition, and Narrative in Late Antique Greek Poetry (Wien 2020, Wiener Studien Beihefte 41). doi:10.1553/0x003bd7ee

KRÖLL, Nicole, "Flüsse in den Dionysiaka des Nonnos von Panopolis". In: Kay Ehling - Saskia Kerschbaum, eds., Göttliche Größe und gezähmte Gewalt. Vom babylonischen Euphrat bis zum römischen Rhein (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2022, Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie, Sonderbände der Antiken Welt), 79-85.

LAUXTERMANN, Marc D. Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres: Texts and Contexts, 2 vols. (Wien 2003 & 2019, Wiener Byzantinistische Studien 24/1 & 2).

LEPPIN, Hartmut, ed. Antike Mythologie in christlichen Kontexten der Spätantike (Berlin/Boston 2015, Millennium-Studien 54).

MCGILL, Scott and Edward J. WATTS, eds. A Companion to Late Antique Literature (Hoboken NJ 2018, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World).

OMISSI, Adrastos and Alan J. Ross, eds. Imperial Panegyric from Diocletian to Honorius (Liverpool 2020, Translated Texts for Historians, Contexts 3).

QUIROGA PUERTAS, Alberto J. The Dynamics of Rhetorical Performances in Late Antiquity (Abingdon 2019).
ROBERTS, Michael. The Jeweled Style: Poetry and Poetics in Late Antiquity (Ithaca/London 1989).

SPANOUDAKIS, Konstantinos, ed. Nonnus of Panopolis in Context: Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World (Berlin/Boston 2014, Trends in Classics Suppl. 24).

SPANOUDAKIS, Konstantinos, ed. Paraphrasis of the Gospel of John XI (Oxford u.a. 2014, Oxford Early Christian Texts).

STENGER, Jan, ed. Learning Cities in Late Antiquity: The Local Dimension of Education (London/New York 2019).

VERHELST, Berenice. Direct Speech in Nonnus’ Dionysiaca: Narrative and Rhetorical Functions of the Characters’ varied and many-faceted words (Leiden/Boston 2017, Mnemosyne Suppl. Late Antique Literature 397).

WEBB, Ruth. Ekphrasis, Imagination and Persuasion in Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Practice (Farnham/Burlington 2009).

YPSILANTI, Maria, ed. The Epigrams of Crinagoras of Mytilene: Introduction, Text, Commentary (Oxford 2018).

On the historical context (selection)

DĄBROWA, Edward, ed. The Roman and Byzantine Army in the East: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków in September 1992 (Kraków 1994).

HÄCHLER, Nikolas. “Der Exarchat von Ravenna unter Kaiser Herakleios: Transformation und Kontinuität staatlicher Herrschafts- und Verwaltungsstrukturen in den Peripherien des byzantinischen Reiches in der ersten Hälfte des 7. Jahrhunderts”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 69 (2019): 155–184.

HALDON, John F. Byzantium in the Seventh Century: The Transformation of a Culture (Cambridge et al. 1990).

HOWARD-JOHNSTON, James. Witnesses to a World Crisis: Historians and Histories of the Middle East in the Seventh Century (Oxford 2010).

HURBANIČ, Martin. The Avar Siege of Constantinople in 626: History and Legend (Cham 2019, New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture).

JOHNSON, Scott Fitzgerald, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity (Oxford u.a. 2012).

MEIER, Mischa. Geschichte der Völkerwanderung: Europa, Asien und Afrika vom 3. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (München 2019, Historische Bibliothek der Gerda Henkel Stiftung).

ROUSSEAU, Philip and Jutta Raithel, eds. A Companion to Late Antiquity (Chichester 2009, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World).

VIERMANN, Nadine. Herakleios, der schwitzende Kaiser: Die oströmische Monarchie in der ausgehenden Spätantike (Berlin/Boston 2021, Millennium-Studien 89).

WICKHAM, Chris. Medieval Europe (New Haven/London 2016).

Narratology (selection)

BAL, Mieke. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative (Toronto et al. 42017).

DE JONG, Irene, René NÜNLIST and Angus BOWIE, eds. Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature: Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, vol. 1 (Leiden/Boston 2004, Mnemosyne Suppl. 257, Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative 1).

MESSIS, Charis, Margaret MULLETT and Ingela NILSSON, eds., Storytelling in Byzantium: Narratological Approaches to Byzantine Texts and Images (Uppsala 2018, Acta Universitatis Uppsalensis, Studia Byzantina Upsalensia 19).

PRINCE, Gerald. Narratology: The Form and Function of Narrative (Berlin et al. 1982, Janua Linguarum, series maior 108).

REITZ, Christiane and Simone FINKMANN, eds. Structures of Epic Poetry, 3 vols. (Berlin/Boston 2019).